We’re changing the system for the better, together.

“Our doctors are crying out for help. This is a systemic failing. Unpaid labor is ingrained into the business model of our health system and it must stop.”

Dr Rod McRae, President of ASMOF Victoria

The Challenge.

Doctors in training in Victoria are coming together to seek change for unsafe excessive hours and wage underpayment.

Research and analysis have revealed systemic unpaid salary for overtime performed.

We have been asked to investigate a class action against Victorian Health Services by doctors representative bodies, the Victorian branch of the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation (ASMOF) and AMA, Victoria.

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The class action will seek recovery of unpaid wages and enforce penalties against those Health Services who have breached the Enterprise Agreement(s) and the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

Excessive hours. The system is failing junior doctors. Change is needed.


“In surveys conducted across the workforce, more than half admit having genuine fear that they will make clinical error.

Anxiety, depression and stress are also common-place among junior doctors.”

Karla Villafana-Soto, Junior doctor


The objective.

To make thing better for those that come after us.

That means:

  • A safe working environment for patients and doctors alike

  • Proper rostering practices that make for a sustainable workforce

  • Victorian Health Services adhering to its own pay conditions.

Our approach is tailored especially for Victorian Junior Doctors.


Partnering up.

To help prosecute this action, we have chosen to partner with Gordon Legal. 

Their group litigation, industrial and employment team in Melbourne offers a depth of experience and access to resources.

Working in service.

Litigation is expensive, and we understand junior doctors may not have the means to fight this action alone. 

Together with Gordon Legal, we will conduct this case on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis.

Change that lasts.

Compensation does not alone achieve lasting change. That’s why our calls for change don’t stop there. 

To bring awareness to these issues we will highlight the need for extra resources, education and training to change the way junior doctors are treated in their workplace.


Register your interest.

If you are, or have been, a doctor in training in Victoria at any time since January 2015, you can seek more information and register your interest by clicking here. 


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The action is being run in collaboration with Gordon Legal.