The tools for change,
at your disposal.

Legal Advice

Good legal advice is prompt and decisive.

Delivering this is an exercise in hard work, diligence and proper preparation. That’s why we dive into the details and get the basis of our actions right early.


Effective representation depends on having the people and skills that fit the case.

Our 25 years of experience and an agile partnership model allows us to quickly assemble the right team for the best outcome.



Planning and preparation is essential for effective advocacy, whether in courts or beyond them.

It also relies on good judgement, and often better judgment is shaped by those with experience. We have both.


The path to achieving change is sometimes complex and confusing.

Good lawyers will recommend the best path to get there. We provide that navigation, and we also tell you why we’re taking each turn.



Lobbying is often important to the success of large scale litigation.

People in positions of interest can and do shape outcomes. Our job is to assist you in making your case heard.


Achieving change can be an expensive exercise.

Court fees, legal fees and expert fees add up. If funding is needed to affect the change you seek, we can help source it.


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